Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
—James 1:27
What Can Be Donated?
Space will determine how much and what we can accept. However, for now, we would like to accept gently used, like new and new items included in the list below:
Clothing sizes NB-Adult L (all seasons, clean, no holes/stains)
Winter hats
Winter gloves
Shoes (clean and in good shape please)
New Underwear (all sizes)
Diapers (partial packs are ok)
Wipes (unopened)
Toothbrushes (all sizes)
Toothpaste (all ages)
Baby Shampoo
Baby Body Wash
Baby Lotion
Hair Picks
Pacifiers (unused)
Baby Blankets
Infant Sleep Sacks/Swaddles
Baby Bibs/Burp Cloths
Baby Bedding (pack and play sheets & crib sheets only)
Pack and Plays (limited quantities)
Booster Seats (limited quantities, never in a wreck and not expired)
Car Seats (limited quantities, never in a wreck and not expired)
Other baby equipment as room provides (please check with a committee member regarding larger items you would like to donate)
Duffle bags/Backpacks (clean, gently used/new)
Gift Cards (Restaurants, Wal-mart, Food City, etc….anywhere local that sells formula, baby food and other necessities for babies and children..please label the gift card with the amount)
Cash donations are welcome, as well.